Mariah M.
100% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Freelance Creative Writer

I'm great with most fiction writing, though I specialize in clean romances. The genres I do not work with are action/adventure (think rack 'em, stack 'em kinds of books), Scottish romance, chat stories (for role-playing games), most Westerns, and erotica. Anything else, I'm game. I love to stretch myself and take on a challenge, so I take on genres I might not otherwise - such as science fiction, fantasy, or historical fiction - due to time restraints or what I'm interested in at that moment. As of June 2021, I have been a top rated-plus freelancer here on Upwork. I take great pride in having achieved this rating, as it has been much work to get here. In May 2022, I was first put on a list of writers approved by the Fiction Profits Academy (or FPA), and currently remain on this recommended writers list. It's a great honor to be on their list, and I look forward to working with their students now and in the future. Previous qualifications include three self-published novels ranging from 200 to 600 pages each, two poems published in anthologies, and one poem shared on FaceBook. Current qualifications include: I have been freelancing since June 2015, and out of the more than 1,000 articles I have written, only eight have been rejected. I graduated from Brigham Young University-Idaho with a BA in English in April 2020. Now that I am out of school, I am freelancing full time.

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  • Novel
  • Short Story Writing