Alexander A.
100% Job Success

Senior Android Developer

Experienced Software Developer specializing in native Android application programming. Foremost, I help business take advantages through a mobile application which is created with the use of modern technologies. Not only compliance with up-to-date Google design standard is on principal, but also bringing passion to perfect UI and UX into every project. I am prepared to share invaluable experience in all areas related to Android from 'Analytics' to 'supporting all Android versions' and give deep expertise in nuances as well as ready to work with Scrum or any other Agile development methodology. I look forward to building the long term professional relations with clients. I have experience with: - Cryptocurrency (Blockchain, bitcoins, cryptocurrency wallet apps) - Taxi App - Social network - Real time map - Advanced chat - Torrent app - Music and recorder app - Offline App with invisible synchronization with server - Instant App - Firebase integrated app (AdMob, Analytics, A/B testing, etc.) Architecture: Clean Architecture (VIPER), MVP, MVVM, MVC Technologies and Libraries used: - Rx: rxJava, rxAndroid, rxRelay, rxBinding and my own rx solutions. - DI: Dagger, Toothpick - Architecture: Moxy, Cicerone - Databases: SQlite, Room, Realm, StorIO, Cupboard, Binaryprefs - Network: Retrofit, okHttp - UI: Butterknife, Picasso, Glide - Tools: Crashlytics, Stetho, Firebase, Fabric, LeakCanary, Timber, Frodo - Testing: Espresso, jUnit, Mockito, Robolectric, Jacoco - Other: Gson, AutoValue, JodaTime, AndroidJob, Google services Feel free to contact me with any Android questions. I will be pleased to help you!

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  • Multithreaded Programming
  • Material Design
  • RESTful Architecture
  • Agile Software Development