Danilo S.
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Experienced product/project manager for AI & tech projects

I am a professional fluent English speaker specializing in the design and architecting of cloud-native applications. Also, with experience in data analysis and presentation for data warehouses or lakes by effectively managing multi-disciplinary teams under agile methodologies for projects with + $40M USD budgets. Some of my services. ☁️Cloud Services: - Consulting for infrastructure or legacy systems migrations. - Design of solutions for web-native applications (using Kubernetes or native AWS technologies). - Design of solutions based on serverless infrastructure. - Cost Optimization for your existing network. - Cloud Infrastructure Audits for security and governance. 🤖AI/ML - Open AI GPT3, GPT4 and GPT API consultation. - Open source LLMs in HugginFace including Mistral, Mistral-7b, Meta Llama-7b, Llama-70b, Llama 2, Llama 3, Google Gema - Proprietary Models Google Gemini, Claude 3 Opus, Claude 3 Sonnet, Cohere, Amazon Titan - Other Generative Algorithms like Stable Difussion XL, Google Imagen, and MidJourney. - API implementation using Replicate AI, HuggingFace, and others. - Cloud Managed Solutions like Amazon Bedrock, Google AI Studio, Azure - Implementation of algorithms in Amazon Sagemaker. - Google DUET AI using Gemini AI. - Consulting of potential solutions scenarios. - Audit of data warehouses/lakes. - Design of cloud strategy and data governance. - Design of solutions based on existing ML/AI algorithms. - Testing and implementation of specific algorithms. 💾Data Science - Data audits - Data analysis and mining. - Data management and storage consultation. - SQL and NoSQL database integration for web projects/mobile apps. - ETL pipeline consultation, design and implementation. - A/B testing and other experimentation. 📈Business Process and Innovation. - Experimentation for a new process - MVP for applications. - Market analysis for new technologies. - Rapid prototyping for mobile apps and web apps. 💡Startups - Consultancy and design to build MVPs for web/mobile apps. - Blockchain applications in the cloud (AWS, Nvidia, Microsoft) - Monetization consultancy for apps. I pride myself on my ability to translate customer requirements into technical specifications to deliver the best solutions. Furthermore, I aim to provide a job well before a deadline consistently. I look forward to working with you and helping you streamline your tasks to improve your business productivity.

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  • SQL
  • Scrum
  • API
  • Solution Architecture Consultation
  • Amazon SageMaker
  • Data Science Consultation
  • Python
  • Machine Learning
  • Leadership Skills
  • Decision Making
  • Jira
  • ChatGPT
  • Large Language Model
  • Blockchain Architecture

Get started working with Danilo quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Danilo quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get a Tailored Generative AI Consulting Experience

From $300
3 days delivery

You will get a review of your AWS infrastructure under the Well-Architected framework.

From $150
3 days delivery

You will get an engaging Alexa skill for your brand or business

From $1,100
30 days delivery

You will get a great customer experience center with Zendesk

From $200
3 days delivery