Gazihan A.
100% Job Success

Assistant Professor, Flutter GDE

I am a Google Developer Expert in Flutter and Dart, one of 90+ such people that are recognized by Google. I have a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Washington University in St. Louis. I worked as a Software Developer Intern at Google Irvine and had the option to continue to work there. I chose to come back to my beautiful hometown, Izmir, Turkey. I'm an Assistant Professor, teaching Mobile App Development with Flutter and Firebase, Human-Computer Interaction and Game Development with Unity. I provide R&D consulting services to local companies. I was also a remote consultant for Carnegie Mellon University. I have been programming for 25+ years and have a solid understanding of most systems. I try to contribute to libraries that I use. Please check my Github account for my contributions, mostly related to Dart, Flutter and Firebase. I recently founded my own company and have access to high quality local talent. I plan to scale up our operations in the near future. I love a good challenge. Send me your tricky app issues!

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  • Python
  • Flutter
  • AngularDart