Kelly G.
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Knitwear Designer and Consultant

As a senior knitwear designer at Armani Exchange, Gap Inc., Express and Loft, I have designed all women's knitwear sold online, in-store domestically and globally in over 50 countries. My sweater designs have received accolades from Vogue, Nylon, Elle and various editorials from around the globe. During my time at Armani Exchange, I increased the knitwear business by 40% and was promoted to owning the three highest volume categories within one year of hire. At Gap, I led a team that contributed to over $300 million dollars annually while managing associate and assistant designers in flat sketching, stitch layouts and technical specifications. Although my specialization is knitwear, I am open to all areas of design including cut and sew knits, wovens, accessories and jewelry. I can assist with any facet of the design process including concept and color development, mood boards, flat sketches, illustrations, stitch development, technical packages and fittings.

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