Hani H.
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Mobile developer, React Native, Swift, Titanium, iOS/Android

Experienced iOS and Android app developer proficient in a variety of frameworks including React Native, Swift, Appcelerator Titanium, and Java. I have a strong command over technologies such as Shopify API, Firebase, and AWS services. My mobile development expertise encompasses React Native, Redux, Redux Toolkit (RTK), TypeScript, and React Hooks. I bring extensive experience in native cross-platform development frameworks like React Native and Appcelerator Titanium, as well as SwiftUI for iOS. My journey in mobile development dates back to 2009 when I developed my first J2ME application for older Nokia phones. Since then, I've evolved with the industry and now primarily utilize React Native and Swift to craft native mobile apps for both iOS (iPhone/iPad) and Android platforms. Recent Skills Utilized: - Long experience with React Native, Expo, Redux, Expo Av, Axios, and more. My work involved creating a dynamic and user-friendly mobile application for media playback. - Proficient in utilizing AWS services including AWS Amplify, AWS API Gateway, and AWS Lambda for backend development and cloud integration. - Experience with machine learning frameworks like PyTorch and CoreML, as well as computer vision libraries such as OpenCV and Vision for implementing advanced features. - Skilled in integrating third-party libraries and APIs for enhanced functionality and feature expansion. Familiarity with Firebase for real-time data synchronization and user authentication. - Expertise in Objective C++ for bridging native code in iOS applications. - Advanced knowledge of AVFoundation for multimedia processing and playback. - Proficient in SwiftUI for modern UI development on iOS platforms. - Experience with UIKit for building robust and customizable user interfaces.

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  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  • React Native
  • TypeScript
  • Core ML
  • Redux
  • Redux Saga
  • Psychology
  • Mental Health