Hire the best Offshore PHP developers

Check out Offshore PHP developers with the skills you need for your next job.
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based on 74,803 client reviews
  • $75 hourly
    Over fifteen years experience in professional web design and development. Extensive experience in PHP/MySQL development as well as modern web design technologies. Highly experienced in SEO/SEM practices, UI design, and eCommerce. I offer a unique blend of technical and digital marketing knowledge, and am a true full-stack developer. My work emphasizes best practices in security, SEO, accessibility and development.
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    Google Analytics
    Web Design
  • $140 hourly
    Top rated Upwork contractor. I specialize in responsive, mobile friendly WordPress websites, creating custom themes as well as modifying existing themes, plugins, and writing custom code needed to achieve my client's goals. I also have extensive experience integrating the WooCommerce shopping cart system for e-commerce websites, as well as working with the WordPress REST API. Over the past 14 years, I have developed a wide range of websites using HTML5/CSS3, PHP, MySQL and Javascript, including sites for startup companies, small businesses and individuals. I enjoy developing, coding and maintaining clean, professional, easy to navigate websites. I can help you or your business create a website from design concept to a completed, polished and professional site. I can also help maintain and update existing websites.
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    Adobe Creative Suite
    Graphic Design
    Content Management
    Web Development
    Responsive Design
    CSS 3
  • $60 hourly
    What i do in WordPress: - WordPress Plugin Development (From scratch or Customize any plugin). - WordPress Theme Development (From scratch or with ANY framework). - API Integration (Integrate any API to WordPress). - WP Rest API (adding or editing endpoints, authentication with CRUD for any post type). One of my plugins in WordPress Repository bit.ly/omar-wpp Also in the Woocommerce marketplace bit.ly/omar-woop This is exactly what you are going to get from me. (Client Review) "Omar completed every task to a high standard and before deadlines. Omar was able to look at the scope of work and offer further advice which made the performance of the website better."
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    WordPress e-Commerce
    Google Maps API
    API Development
    Plugin Development
    WordPress Plugin
  • $25 hourly
    As a web developer, providing a qualitative web-application with a flexible architecture, structured JSON/XML with a flawless API connectivity interface, well-constructed code following the OOPs concept and a seamless development cycle are my standards. Developing applications in PHP using the Laravel framework and my expertise in the developer tools like PhpStorm and skills in MySQL, PostgreSQL etc has brought me this far and has allowed me to get involved in complete application development from scratch. Complex bug fixes, corner case handling and architecture builds are the major areas that I am good at and like to play with. My Services include APIs, optimizations, cache, queuing, monitoring, and you'll get all the expected with professionalism. Frontend development with the help of HTML, CSS, Javascript is also the area I worked at. My key skills include: Php, Laravel Framework (Advanced level) FrontEnd (HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap)(Advanced level) Databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis)(Advanced level) Hosting (AWS, Digital Ocean) Amazon services (ELB, RDS, S3, EC2, SNS and etc.) Version Control tools (git, GitHub, bitbucket, etc.) Project management tools (Trello, Skype, asana, slack, Discard, Pivotal Tracker, Jira, team viewer, zoom, etc.) Solution Architecture, Web-application Architecture (code, database, choosing best solution) Server configuration API Tools (Apiary, Postman, etc.)
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    Version Control
    Web Hosting
    Front-End Development
    Solution Architecture
    Amazon Web Services
  • $29 hourly
    I am a disciplined and detail-oriented person with proper communication skills and appropriate educational and working background. I am a very goal-motivated developer and will integrate with any project in strict deadlines by showing excellent final results that meet the client's needs and requests. I have 5 years of experience in PHP, WordPress ( theme/plugin development ), Vue.js, MySQL (programming and database architecture), API integrations. Moreover, I have experienced in Node.js and socket implementation. Please find below the detailed list of my skills. • PHP (native or Laravel) • WordPress (plugin/theme development, full website development ( with or without ACF )) • MySQL (programming, administration) • JS (native, Vue.js, jQuery, Node.js) • HTML5, CSS, CSS3 • APIs(Rest, social integrations (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)) I want to mention that development is more than just a money-earning method for me. And it is also my passion. So I will do my best in every detail of each job order since I prioritize the client's final satisfaction very much. You are always welcome to get in touch with me, and I would be pleased to cooperate. Thanks in advance for choosing me). Best Regards, Vahan G.
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    Custom PHP
    WordPress Multisite
    WordPress e-Commerce
    WordPress Theme
    WordPress Plugin
  • $65 hourly
    I'm a tech-enthusiast with both front- and back-end experience using a variety of technologies. I have experience designing, developing, and maintaining small and enterprise level applications using various development tools and languages to meet the unique project requirements. I also maintain several linux servers and am well versed with AWS cloud infrastructure.
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
  • $65 hourly
    I am a US Based web developer with 15 years of experience. I specialize in front end development including Javascipt, React, LitJS Web components and CMS templating. I have also spent many years building websites in Wordpress, Shopify, Magento, and Drupal utilizing PHP and Liquid. I am currently in the process of being certified as an Web Accessibility specialist and everything I build is accessible and WCAG compliant, Including email templates! Top rated Plus on Upwork with 100% job success! I'd love for you to be my next client.
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    CSS 3
    Web Accessibility
  • $50 hourly
    ➡️ I'm a full-stack WordPress, WooCommerce, and JavaScript developer w/ 20 years of experience. Invite me or save my profile for future reference. Always happy to help. ➡️ Skills: ★ WordPress ★ WooCommerce ★ 3rd-Party integrations (Stripe, MLS, Geolocation, Maps, social media, SaaS, etc) ★ Custom API integrations ★ Custom WP APIs ★ Headless WordPress ★ ACF - Advanced Custom Fields Pro ★ Custom Post Types ★ JavaScript ★ Custom Plugins and Themes ★ Troubleshooting and fixing WordPress errors ★ Elementor ★ New Sites (custom, existing or premium theme) ★ Responsive, Mobile-Friendly ★ Page Speed Optimization / Lighthouse scores ★ Theme Customization ★ Redirects ★ Security (Wordfence, etc) ★ GravityForms, Fluent Forms ★ Cloudflare ★ Google Analytics, HotJar, Facebook Pixel and other snippets ★ And more ➡️ Other Skills ● Alpine.js ● TailwindCSS ● Next.js ● Hasura ● HTML5 / CSS3 ● jQuery ● Sass, Less ● PHP / MySQL ● cPanel, WHM, MySQL Administration ● JavaScript ● React ● Node / NPM ● Git / GitHub / GitLab ● Netlify / Jamstack ● Webpack
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    API Integration
    Tailwind CSS
    WordPress Development
    Plugin Development
    WordPress Theme
    WordPress Plugin
    Plugin Customization
    Theme Development
    Theme Customization
  • $155 hourly
    20 Years Experience with FileMaker Pro, AppleScript, and QuickBooks development. Expert in FileMaker to QuickBooks integrations. Expert in FileMaker to Apple Apps integrations. Expert in Mobile Apps development. Expert In API and SDK integrations Certified FileMaker Pro Developer. If you are sick and tired of redundant and repetitive tasks contact me as soon as possible. I can save you time, I guarantee it!
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    Web Design
    Google APIs
    Intuit QuickBooks
    FileMaker WebDirect
    QuickBooks Online
    Database Programming
    Database Design
    Claris FileMaker
  • $60 hourly
    🏆 𝐓𝐨𝐩 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 Fluent English. Over 5 years of experience in Web development. Every day online. 100% success guarantee! I will have been doing my work until you are fully satisfied and happy. My skills in dev: ► Creating responsive Wordpress themes and websites ► Creating e-commerce Wordpress websites (Woocommerce/ Memberships/ Subscriptions) ► HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript/jQuery/Ajax/MySQL/PHP/Bootstrap/Gulp ► Wordpress visual builders (Gutenberg/Elementor/ Bakery/ Beaver Builder/ Thrive Architect/ Divi) ► Improve Google PageSpeed Insights result ► SSL certificate installation, SEO optimization, finding and fixing bugs. ► VPS/VDS/AWS customization (Apache, Nginx) Experienced with design tools: ► Adobe Photoshop ► Adobe XD ► Adobe Illustrator ► Figma
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    WordPress Development
    WordPress e-Commerce
    WordPress Plugin
    WordPress Theme
    Web Development
  • $40 hourly
    I can offer you a high-quality website development. I'm the best with WordPress, HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Don't use AI generated code (but if we have such task - no problems) Now I have 12 years in the web and can solve your problems, not just edit a code. I can create plugins, integrations with different systems (POS, web API, other sites, import/export data) Make little 5-page site, big portal, site from scratch, on Elementor, Divi and other - no problems. Worked alone and in group, sometimes like a teamlead. Working hourly, but quickly
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    Web Development
    PSD to HTML
    WordPress Development
    PSD to WordPress
    Plugin Development
    WordPress Plugin
  • $10 hourly
    I have graduated from Babeș-Bolyai University, Department of Computer Science and I am a web Developer with 3 years of experience using PHP, Apache and MySQL for any kind of web related project, delivering the final product within the deadline and keeping clients satisfied. I am always available to help you with any problems that you encounter or to build from scratch any kind of web application. I can help you with the following : Blog Development Business Website Development Portfolio Development for Artists and Designers Website Repairs Website Modifications and Customization PHP Scripting Web Crawlers and Automation My english skills are good,so communication will not be an impediment to our collaboration
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    MySQL Programming
    CSS 3
  • $20 hourly
    I'm a professional web developer self-directed and motivated with 10+ years' experience in Web/PHP technologies. Excellent at developing and maintaining web applications. I am hardworking and a fast learner with good communication skills. Over past 10 years I have developed many websites. It were a simple sites for start-up companies, administrative panels for a client managment, web-shops for a small businesses, social networks and etc. Experience and skills: - PHP5 / PHP7 - Application and database architecture (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Doctrine ORM) - Symfony, Laravel, CodeIgniter - REST API development - Git, Trello, Jira, Redmine, Slack(integration) - Payment systems integration (Stripe, Paypal, Mercanet, Yandex) - Large commercial projects - Performance optimizations - Google Apps API
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    PostgreSQL Programming
  • $50 hourly
    Analytical Accurate Customer oriented Dedicated Team player Time management Enthusiastic Knowledgeable Respectful Serious Trustworthy
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    Project Management
    Agile Project Management
    Visual Basic
    WordPress Plugin
  • $45 hourly
    My experience: ━━━━━━━━ 8 years of successful PrestaShop development: ✔️ Theme installation and adjustments ✔️ Module development - any level of complexity ✔️ API integration: shipment, payment (Stripe, Paypal), supplier warehouses, social media integrations, CRM integrations, Prestashop API etc. ✔️ Optimization (caching, server upgrades, debug profiling, DB queries optimization, module adjustments for better performance) ✔️ Long-term support, Emergency support Skill stack, most in use: ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ✔️ PHP 5.6+, C++ as programming languages ✔️ HTML5 (+smarty and twig as templates) ✔️ CSS3 ✔️ JavaScript (jQuery) ✔️ MySQL5.5+ and MariaDB. ✔️ CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian as Server's OS ✔️ Git, Docker ✔️ Frameworks/CMS: Prestashop, Wordpress, Laravel, Simfony, Yii2 Few suggestions on how to improve your Prestashop website, free of charge: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 1. Enable caching - you know, some clients and freelancers often forget about this important built-in tool. It improves your website performance and can significantly speed it up. 2. Enable pretty URLs - it's a part of free of charge SEO built-in PrestaShop. 3. Disable statistic modules - I guess you've already had Google Analytics for this purpose. Disabling modules can help you to improve performance, speed up your admin pages and don't waste your DB memory by writing useless info. 4. Clean up your product and checkout pages - try to focus your client's attention on the main thing - on a product they want to buy. Leave 1 - max 2 blocks of additional products to offer at the end of the page. 5. Don't make your menu complex. Want to understand how much it complex? Ask your friend to find some product without using searching and count how much time it will take. If it takes more than 15 seconds to find the right category - you need to make an urgent review of your site's navigation. 6. Figure out who are your competitors. Figure out how do they attract customer's attention. Implement ready-to-use decisions, which already tested by your competitors. Save your time, money and enjoy benefits.
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    Ecommerce Website Development
    Web Development
    System Administration
    Technical SEO
  • $25 hourly
    I bring a thorough understanding of both business and technical processes and an extensive understanding of both web-based and client-server computing models. My experience includes developing and analyzing systems architecture; managing application development cycles and providing business / problem resolution. 8 years experience of programming, 4 years of network management and system administration, 6 years of user support and consulting. Proficient with a vast array of programming languages including: JavaScript (14 years), PHP (14 years). PHP Yii Frameworks (8 years, over 40 successful projects) PHP Yii2 Frameworks (5 years, over 30 successful projects) Extensive experience developing and supporting older projects
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    PHP Script
    Object-Oriented Programming
    Web Application
    CSS 3
  • $39 hourly
    I am an experienced and highly skilled web developer with a proven track record of consistently delivering exceptional results. With over seven (7) years of industry experience, my primary objective is to ensure maximum client satisfaction through my expertise in web development. My top priority is understanding and fulfilling clients' needs, while consistently delivering projects on time. I approach each project with a continuous learning mindset, embracing new technologies and methodologies to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving field of web development. Whether working independently or as part of a collaborative team, I foster a positive and efficient working environment to achieve optimal outcomes. My technical background encompasses some programming languages, frameworks, and tools. Here are some of the key highlights: - Languages: PHP, Python, SQL, HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, JavaScript, JSON, AJAX - Frameworks: Node.js, GraphQL, serverless architecture Bootstrap, CodeIgniter, Laravel, Express.js, Gatsby jQuery, React, Vue.js, Redux - Payment Gateways: Stripe, Voguepay, Paystack - Operating Systems: CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian - Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB - Cloud Platforms: Amazon AWS, DigitalOcean, Google Cloud - Project Management Tools: Asana, Trello, Zoom - Version Control Systems: Git, Bitbucket, GitHub By leveraging these technologies, I specialize in creating dynamic and responsive websites that captivate users and enhance their online experience. I am adept at building scalable and secure web applications that adhere to industry best practices. If you seek a dedicated web developer who consistently delivers high-quality projects and exceeds expectations, rest assured that my skills and expertise make me the ideal candidate. Let's collaborate to bring your vision to life and achieve your business goals.
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
  • $40 hourly
    I am an experienced developer with strong beliefs in web technologies. My main development stack is LAMP/LEMP and I am pretty comfortable with work on both backend and frontend tasks. As a team leader, I needed to be confident in each part of a project, so I have enough expertise to deal with complex full-stack tasks. I am interested in projects, with complex business and technical challenges. Also, I am a Drupal expert and I'm able to develop websites and custom modules with a high level of complexity. I believe, that hard technical skills are only 50% of success, the rest 50% are communication and self-motivation. And I can assure you that I have all required ingredients to solve your challenges in a most efficient way.
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    Project Management
    CSS 3
    Ecommerce Website
  • $50 hourly
    I develop web apps and sites using Laravel, Vue, Tailwind. My forte is to take over existing PHP project with legacy, performance issues and chaotic development cycles and put it all in order: resolve issues, implement new features, introduce proper code practices. If you have just an idea, I will help create a project roadmap with clear timeline. I like working closely with product owner, only this way I can deliver what you really need, not in the end of project but starting from day 1. I believe good code is one that is easy to change and maintain. If you want to build: - a Marketplace; - a SaaS; - a membership restricted website for something; - a backend for mobile or web app; - API for something; - anything that is not CMS but a web app; let's talk! I like and prefer asynchronous communication on project. However sometimes it's necessary and I will happy to meet you in Zoom. Seeing your idea be successful is more important to me than getting your business, so if you're not certain whether I can help you, contact me, and I'll help you figure out who can. Recent works: - Backend for app - Top-25 in Food & Drinks on App Store Denmark - Crypto prices monitoring system - Ad server - Multi-level marketing and affiliate program engine - Ride-sharing app for drivers and riders 🇺🇦
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    Database Design
    API Development
    RESTful API
    Database Architecture
    Web Development
  • $20 hourly
    I am a competent web-developer with solid academic experience. I am specializing in PHP+MySQL development for the Moodle-based learning management systems. I am qualified in Moodle core- and plug-ins development, adoption and maintaining. I have also experience with development, deployment and maintaining of Moodle-based LMS solutions of various scales - from personal educational projects up to supporting of university's Moodle cluster with over 1k simultaneous user sessions. Additionally I have experience with implementation of MOOC courses using Moodle LMS. Presently I am looking for a part-time (remotely) or a full-time position in the area of web-development (Moodle, PHP).
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    Website Optimization
    Linux System Administration
    Google Apps Script
  • $80 hourly
    I'm one of the highest-rated WordPress developers on UpWork - carrying a "Top-Rated Plus" badge and plenty of reviews from highly satisfied clients. Efficiency and quality are my priorities - typically delivering ahead of schedule and above & beyond client expectations. I'm fast and thorough and have seen just about everything you can imagine within the WordPress framework. I have been immersed in the fields of web development, design, and digital marketing for over 10 years. My specific expertise lies in WordPress web development, site migrations, speed optimization, site security, plugin & theme development/customization, UX / UI design, eCommerce and SEO. I'm an all-around talent working on both the frontend and backend on every job I'm involved in (saves you hiring a designer, and then a developer, and then a project manager, etc.). I can handle any web development or design project regardless of scope. Some of the plugins/themes that you don't have to buy since I have the agency/lifelong offerings: - Borlabs Cookie (for GDPR compliant site) - WPML (for multilingual site) - WP All Import (for importing and exporting data) - Elementor Pro (if i work with page builders then mostly with Elementor) - Impreza theme (Popular theme with own page builder) - JetPlugins by Crocoblock (Plugins for Gutenberg and Elementor) - All in one WP migration (for quick migrations of websites I have the addon plugins) - My self developed table of contents plugin (the best TOC plugin. All other TOC plugins have issues) - Presto Player (for self hosted Wistia like functionality) - ACF Pro …
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    Adobe Creative Cloud
    Plugin Development
    Search Engine Optimization
  • $30 hourly
    I am a full-stack web developer (Software Engineer) with over five years of professional experience in software development. My expertise includes proficient programming in PHP, JavaScript, Python, SQL, and Go. Additionally, I have experience as an AWS Builder, adept at deployment and managing infrastructure efficiently. I also have extensive experience working with various technologies and frameworks such as Terraform, Laravel, Symfony, Shopify, Sylius, WordPress, Node.js, React, Next.js, Express.js, jQuery, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, OpenSearch, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, Memcached, Apache, Nginx, Docker, and more. My diverse skill set enables me to deliver high-quality solutions across the entire software development lifecycle.
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    AWS DeepLens
  • $40 hourly
    Hi, Thanks for visiting my profile. If you are looking for professional development at best possible rate then i am here to help you. Quality work and turn around time assured. I'm a full time freelancer specializing for the past 6+ years in developing Wordpress sites for small to medium businesses and have experience with many popular theme frameworks and plugins. Main skills: * Wordpress site design and development * Theme Customization * Avada theme * Child themes * PSD to Wordpress * Wordpress installation, site transfer, troubleshooting, & maintenance * Convert your existing site to Wordpress * On page SEO * Site speed optimization * Technical support and documentation * Squarespace Customization * Elementor Web development is something I am very passionate about and love doing, so you can be rest assured I will always deliver a quality product that both you and any visitors to your site will love. I am available more than 16hrs online for discussion. Looking forward to create Something Awesome for you.
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    Website Migration
    Ecommerce Website
    Page Speed Optimization
    Responsive Design
  • $33 hourly
    An experienced (15+ years) PHP/Python/JavaScript/ActionScript developer is looking for interesting work . I prefer to work on project with complex architecture and non-typical problems, because thats my area of expertise.
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    MySQL Programming
    PostgreSQL Programming
    Agile Project Management
    Product Backlog
    Product Management
  • $50 hourly
    I am experienced Ukraine-based web developer with an attitude to work of a field surgeon: I've seen a lot, never judge and get my work done :) You may come to me when everything is falling apart or when you could not establish a constructive dialogue with previous devs. I have enough expertise to reverse-engineer the existing code and continue work steadily. I value my clients highly, because my fees are on the higher end. But I assure you that you will get some of the best value for your money on the market. My skills include (but not limited to): - PHP/backend; - HTML/CSS/JS/jQuery; - WordPress (plugin development, various custom-logic implementation and so much more); - MySQL. Feel free to contact me with your request and I will be happy to find the most effective solution for you in a professional and friendly manner.
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    MySQL Programming
    Search Engine Optimization
    Web Development
  • $50 hourly
    Greetings! Are you in need of a versatile developer to create exceptional websites and mobile apps? Your search ends here! I'm Aakash Verma, a dedicated Full Stack Developer with expertise in both Front-end and Back-end Development. With my proficiency in: ✓ Front-end: WordPress, HTML5, CSS, and animations ✓ Back-end: Laravel and Node.js for efficient and robust server-side development ✓ Working with existing codebases and debugging legacy code ✓ Mobile app development: React Native and Flutter ✓ Ability to handle custom niche projects with ease Rest assured, your project will receive my utmost attention and dedication. I am committed to delivering top-notch results quickly and reliably. I am available for 5-6 hours per day, with the flexibility to put in extra effort if necessary to meet your deadlines. Additionally, I have a knack for working with custom niche projects, ensuring a tailored solution that meets your specific requirements. I can assure you, if I can't do it in my field of expertise, nobody can. Looking forward to the opportunity to work with you! Best regards, Aakash Verma PS: If you have a moment, please feel free to share any suggestions you have for my profile. I assure you that I will reciprocate the favor and provide assistance to you as well. Thank you, and I hope you find my resume appealing!
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    Keap Marketing
    CSS 3
    On-Page SEO
    MySQL Programming
  • $27 hourly
    Education 2005-2008; department of Software Engineering, Luhansk state IT academy “Step” 2010-2015; department of Software Engineering, Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics, Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering 2015-2017 department of Software Engineering, Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics, Master’s Degree in Software Engineering Technical Skills PHP, MySql, html/css, twig, smarty (8 years), Zend Framework 2, Actionscript 3.0/MXML, Oracle database (3 years), google services integration (2 years), Adobe Media Server applications, Java servlet (6 months). Full stack web development PHP+JS+MySql, NodeJS+Express+Mysql+Vue (2+ years). Total experience 8 years web application development.
    vsuc_fltilesrefresh_TrophyIcon Offshore PHP Developers
    MySQL Programming
    Oracle PLSQL
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How much does it cost to hire a Offshore PHP Developer?

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